About Us

#WAT Academy was founded in 2016 in Miri, Sarawak to provide a safe space and ecosystem for all youths & young talents to explore and grow. In 2019 we developed Project Adopt Local Talent (#projectALT), an initiative where organizations and employers are able to meet quality young talents.


We advocate alternative education where young talents are groomed by the industry for the industry. We too advocate inclusive education for every youths including the marginalised youth where they are able to Earn and Learn.


To allow every young talents in Sarawak and Malaysia to have a bigger and brighter future. In return in the future they will come back and guide future talents in Sarawak and Malaysia.

#WAT Academy strives to solve Youth Development 

&  Unemployment issues in Malaysia


Young talents and youths are the future of our nation and strive for a positive impact in their life.  Therefore, #WAT Academy desire to serve as a bridge between youth including from the marginalised community  and the industry to upskill the youth workforce and support the workplace. 

Be a part of this talent adoption

We at WAT’s main goal is to help our local talents in Sarawak and Malaysia. What does adopt local talents mean is that we hope and encourage organizations to adopt our local talents and nurture their talents. We strongly believe that when an organization adopts our local talents that one day after being neutered and groomed they will be able to help the organization in terms of manpower and better flow to join their team. It’s an ecosystem that keeps us rising.

Adopt Local Talent to join your workforce

Adopt Local Talent focuses on guiding our future generation to lead a better future for us, which is when the respective organization adopt a local talent and groom them, they will be the new brain and energy to the company.

Our Objectives

Apprenticeship Programme

Create programmes that engage youths and industry to develop knowledge and skills that relate and matters.

Workshops & Short-courses

Create programmes that engage in physical interventions or engage remotely with virtual programmes. We keep the doors of learning open!

Local Talent Adoption

#WAT offers talent to a variety or organizations to find and bring on board the right candidates for the job from our pool of apprentice talents.

Featured Partners

and many more…

How can we help you?